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Update perolehan medali SEA Games 2017 hingga Rabu (23/8/2017)

Berikut perolehana sementara  medali SEA Games 2017 hingga Rabu (23/8/2017) pukul 23.00 WIB diantaranya:

1. Malaysia 50-37-32 = 119
2. Singapura 27-23-24 = 74
3. Vietnam 27-19-24 = 70
4. Thailand 17-30-34 = 81
5. Indonesia 15-17-32 = 64
6. Filipina 10-15-20 = 45
7. Myanmar 4-5-8 = 17
8. Brunei Darussalam 0-1-5 = 6
9. Laos 0-1-1 = 2
10. Kamboja 0-0-5 = 5
11. Timor Leste 0-0-0 = 0

Semoga bermanfaat.